General Meetings
We invite you to join us for our meetings. All teachers and staff of Skyline High School, all students attending the school, and their parents/guardians are members of the PTSO and are welcome to participate and vote. Meeting times are 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm.
When Meeting Face-to-Face
Meetings are held in the Skyline DTEP Lab - Room B206, located on the 2nd floor of Skyline High School across from the Auditorium in the Commons. Please use the student entrance to enter the building.
When Meeting Virtually
We meet via Zoom. Please see PTSO and Principal email communications for meeting links.
Meeting Schedule for 2024/2025
The tentative meeting schedule is as follows:
2024-2025 School Year PTSO General Membership Meeting Schedule
Tuesday, 9/10/24: PTSO General Membership Meeting (5:00pm) in Room B206
TOPIC: Beginning of the year business
Tuesday, 11/12/24: PTSO General Membership Meeting (7:00pm)
TOPIC: Clubs
Tuesday, 1/21/25: PTSO General Membership Meeting (7:00pm) over Zoom
Tuesday, 3/11/25: PTSO General Membership Meeting (7:00pm) over Zoom
TOPIC: Course selection with an eye toward college applications
Tuesday, 5/13/25: PTSO General Membership Meeting (7:00pm) over Zoom
TOPIC: Skyline Athletics
2024-2025 School Year PTSO Board Meeting Schedule
Tuesday, 10/22/24: PTSO Board Meeting (6:15pm)
Tuesday, 11/12/24: PTSO Board Meeting (6:15pm)
Tuesday, 12/10/24: PTSO Board Meeting (6:15pm)
Tuesday, 1/21/25: PTSO Board Meeting (6:15pm)
Tuesday, 2/11/25: PTSO Board Meeting (6:15pm)
Tuesday, 3/11/25: PTSO Board Meeting (6:15pm)
Tuesday, 4/8/25: PTSO Board Meeting (6:15pm)
Tuesday, 5/13/25: PTSO Board Meeting (6:15pm)
Board Members for 2024-2025
Your PTSO board members are here to serve you and the Skyline High School community. Please feel free to contact any of us to discuss any of your concerns, present your ideas, or to let us know how we're doing.
President Scott Dunmire scottdunmire@gmail.com
Vice President Julie Pendell pendell.julie@gmail.com
Secretary Diane Kennedy dmakennedy@gmail.com
Treasurer HongXia (Bridget) He hongxiah@yahoo.com
Member-at-Large Pai Meng pcmjunk@yahoo.com
Member-at-Large/PTOC rep KT Doud ktdoud@gmail.com
PTSO-Staff Liaison Carolyn Hill hillc@aaps.k12.mi.us
Jr-Sr Student Rep Emily Mei 317284@aaps.k12.mi.us
Fr-Soph Student Rep Riya Venkat 429162@aaps.k12.mi.us
Meeting Minutes
Financial Statements
Financial information for the Skyline High School PTSO.
Bylaws of the Skyline High School PTSO